\LaTeX is a very important tool for writing technical Journals/articles/reports. The need for Latex is especially felt when the document involves a lot of mathematical typesetting. \LaTeX has an elegant way of handling mathematical equations.
You may read this thread and convince yourself: why one should use \LaTeX ?
In this tech blog, we will cover, how to install Latex with all its package on a computer which has no internet (provided you have a remote PC with internet access).
- Step 1: Download TexLive .ISO file (the size is nearly 4.5 GB and contains all the LaTeX packages). Downloading the full setup will avoid the hassle of finding individual packages later and installing them separately. For Mac OS here.
- Step 2: Download a LaTeX editor of your choice (Two most famous Tex editors are: TeXStudio and TeXMaker. I use the former one)
- Step 3: Transfer these two setups from the online PC to the Offline PC. Complete the Installation and enjoy the technical writing experience.
This is the simplest way, I could find to install full LaTeX for an offline/online PC. If anyone has better suggestions, feel free to write in the comments.
Hope it will help someone installing Latex packages individually 😁
Good article!